Saturday, March 14, 2009


Faking a laugh, faking a smile,
Hiding the truth behind a mask, while

my heart is breaking into pieces
with every smile that I give
That's the life that I live....

Used to believe in fairy tales, thinking it's a beautiful world
Then i was appalled with the truth that this world holds

I tried to fool myself and hide behind my dreams
Tried to make everything as simple as it seems

But deep inside, there were thousands of bursting tears,
with every smile that I used to give
that's the life that I live

Ended up with a broken heart,
ended up with my life ripped apart......

Ended up left alone in the darkness, crying,
Gave up n just quit trying.........


Unknown said...

u pen down ur emotions so nicely.........hats off 2 u

Baljinder Singh said...

hi..just stuck at ur blog somehow...
Well..u hv portrayed ur feelings very nicely..
But u seemed little unhappy wid proceedings of life...I wud just say "Be Happy"...

dhruv said...

hey, indeed u write well for a particular flavour of life... some lines really strike a chord within..