Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lonely Me!!

I am happy at times, but at times I am sad;
There are many things that keep me happy;
My friends,primarily,are concerned about me the most,
they never leave me alone,
they forgive me for all my follies and cheer me up
whenever I am depressed, without asking for anything in return.

Although I have many people around me
to take care of me, my friends, my family;
But nobody can take YOUR place...
Your memories haunt me day and night..
The more I try to forget you, the more you gnaw at me..

Even when I am sitting among numerous people,
and trying to enjoy..
just a thought about you..
and I am all alone...
I have become a slave of your memories.

Everything small thing reminds me of you and
the wonderful time spent with you..
those fights over petty things,
Calling it off in the morning and then saying..
'I Can't Live without you' in the evening,
those sweet nicknames that we used to give to each other,
those chats that used to last for hours,
those sweet memories of bygone days..
But now I am all ALONE,
haunted by your memories..

Why did you do this to me?
What was my fault?
I accept my mistake..
I fell in Love with you..
Neither you fell in love with me,
Nor you ever told me to..

But now I am happy for you,
I promise that I ll survive in my own lonely world,
But I won't bother you ever,
There's only one wish..
You be happy in your world..
I pray for you,
you may get whatever you wish..

With tears in my eyes,
I bid you good-bye..
You took all my happiness with you
And I still wish you be happy forever..

I may be sad,
I may be grieved,
I may be dejected,
And I may be heartbroken..
But I wish you be HAPPY forever,
You be exhilarated,
You be jubilant...
although at the expense of my happiness and desires..